One of the leading manufacturers and suppliers of industrial gases
  • Global Certificate

    ISO 9001:2015

  • Expanding Provider

    Of Industrial Solutions

  • We’re more than a provider of

    Industrial Gases

  • Global Certificate

    ISO 9001:2015

  • Expanding Provider

    Of Industrial Solutions

  • We’re more than a provider of

    Industrial Gases

Nitrogen Gas

Chemical Formula       Type                       Density Molecular Mass
N2 Non Flammable
Non Toxic
1.251 g/L at stp (0 °C and 101.325 kPa)

0.808 g/cm3 (when liquid, at b.p.)

28.0134 g/mol

Nitrogen Gas

Nitrogen Gas is tasteless, odorless, colorless and nonflammable gas present in atmosphere at a concentration of 78.09 % by volume. It has a boiling point of -195.8°C (-320.4°F). Nitrogen Gas is produced by Cryogenic Distillation/air separation plants which condenses air and distills liquid Nitrogen. This liquid Nitrogen is further converted into gaseous Nitrogen at room temperature and is being stored in Nitrogen Gas Cylinders for further use in any Industrial application.
For some applications where continuous and high quantity of N2 gas is required to be feed, We make use of N2 gas cylinder quad which is nothing but number of cylinder interconnected and having common outlet. Due to its high availability in atmosphere and low cost, Nitrogen gas and liquid finds huge application in various processes.

Some process also requires using Nitrogen in Liquid Form only. For such process or applications, Liquid Nitrogen is stored and supplied in special vacuum insulated containers called Cryogenic Containers or Cryo Cans or Dewars. There are different sizes of Cryo Cans available depending upon volume of liquid stored in it.

Common Uses And Applications in Industries

  • As a leak testing gas for various pipelines and vessels installations.
  • As a pressurizing gas, helping in flush out various chemicals or fluids through pipelines or vessels.
  • As a shielding gas in steel manufacturing to diminish oxidation effect in steel melting process and in hot metal treating procedure for removal of impurities and porosity.
  • In degassing process to remove impurities or porosities from various molten metal like Aluminum.
  • As a sudden freezing agent for any eatables due to its instant solidifying property.
  • As a filler gas in Food Items Packaging industry.
  • Liquid Nitrogen is being used to store blood, body tissues and other natural samples of human as well as other species.
  • Liquid Nitrogen can be used where solidification as well as removal of unhealthy tissues is required through cryosurgery and dermatology techniques.
  • As a filler gas in Bulb / Lighting Industry.
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